Date: 2/4/2009, 12:10 pm
: Hello,
: this is my first post towards building my first kayak. i recently got my
: plans for a Night Heron. i've gone out and purchased a router and router
: table combo from Canadian Tire. i then returned it because when i mounted
: the router under the table and raised the router all the way up the bit
: didn't clear the table.
: i went to Home Depot and purchased a Ryobi router and table and i'm having
: the same issue. i've raised the bit in the collet a 1/16 of an inch like
: the instructions suggested (to allow for expansion due to heat). but the
: bit needs to come up another 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch to be at the proper
: height.
: originally i didn't feel that i should have to do this because i assumed that
: the router should be able to adjust to this height. but after buying a
: second router that has the same issue i'm starting to wonder. do you have
: any input? should i just raise the bit the little i need to have it work?
: will this effect the bit? or the quality of the bead and cove?
: any help would be greatly appreciated!
: thank,
: Adrian
Hi Adrian, Welcome! Where in the great white north are you located? (I'm in Saskatoon.)
I wonder if you have really made all the possible adjustments for lowering the router (raising the bit in the table)? My router (not Ryobi) has two parts that can limit the height & depth of the router bit. I'll try to describe it, and for the sake of clarity, let's pretend my router is NOT in a tabel, but sitting upright on the bench. There is a threaded rod with a spring and the depth/maximum height is lowered by turning a knob (on a nut). Turning that knob limits the height to which the springs can push the the router up away from the wood. When I want to set a precise depth, I turn that knob to lower the motor & bit. There is also a threaded rod on the other side which acts as a depth stop, to keep me from lowering the bit too much, especially when using the plunge function. For maximum depth, I make sure that it is set such that it just stops the collet from touching the base plate.
Again, I'm not certain how your router is set up so I don't know if what I describe above can help or not.
How close does your collet come to the base plate when lowered all the way? Does your router have a 1/2" or 1/4" collet? Where did you get the bits & how long is the shaft?
Could you post some pictures? That might help us see what's going on.

Messages In This Thread
- Tools: Router, Table and Bits Question
Adrian -- 2/3/2009, 8:09 pm- Re: Tools: Router, Table and Bits Question *LINK*
James Kingston -- 2/5/2009, 3:01 pm- Re: Tools: Router, Table and Bits Question
Adrian -- 2/5/2009, 6:35 pm
- Re: Tools: Router, Table and Bits Question *LINK* *Pic*
Pawistik -- 2/4/2009, 12:10 pm- Re: Tools: Router, Table and Bits Question
Jay Babina -- 2/4/2009, 8:09 am- Re: Tools: Router, Table and Bits Question
Kudzu -- 2/3/2009, 10:05 pm- Re: Tools: Router, Table and Bits Question
Peter Woodward -- 2/3/2009, 8:22 pm- Re: Tools: Router, Table and Bits Question
Adrian -- 2/3/2009, 8:27 pm
- Re: Tools: Router, Table and Bits Question
- Re: Tools: Router, Table and Bits Question *LINK*