Re: Other: Rope coupling for ergometer
In Response To: Other: Rope coupling for ergometer *LINK* (eric)
: I am making my ergometer and don't know how to find a part.
: It is the 'twist-joint' that I am looking for..
I don't see why a twist or swivel joint would be necessary, as there is not enough twisting motion involved that the rope and bungee couldn't easily absorb it. You can buy plastic clip hooks for bungee ends at marine suppliers like West Marine. Tie or splice a loop in the rope, hook it to the bungee and you're done.
Messages In This Thread
- Other: Rope coupling for ergometer *LINK*
eric -- 2/9/2009, 1:40 pm- Re: Other: Rope coupling for ergometer *LINK* *Pic*
Dave Houser -- 2/11/2009, 4:06 pm- Re: Other: Rope coupling for ergometer
eric -- 2/11/2009, 5:20 pm
- Re: Other: Rope coupling for ergometer
Mike Savage -- 2/10/2009, 12:32 pm- Re: Other: Rope coupling for ergometer
Brian Nystrom -- 2/10/2009, 10:43 am- Well yea!
Kudzu -- 2/10/2009, 2:58 pm- Re: Well yea!
eric -- 2/10/2009, 11:12 pm
- Re: Other: Rope coupling for ergometer
eric -- 2/10/2009, 12:03 pm- Re: Other: Rope coupling for ergometer
Bill Hamm -- 2/11/2009, 12:43 am
- Re: Well yea!
- Re: Other: Rope coupling for ergometer
Bill Hamm -- 2/10/2009, 1:20 am- Re: Other: Rope coupling for ergometer
Kudzu -- 2/9/2009, 7:52 pm - Re: Other: Rope coupling for ergometer
- Re: Other: Rope coupling for ergometer *LINK* *Pic*