I have not been working on the S&G NH lately because I had to do a close friend a favour. I won't get into the reasons for doing the favor but suffice it to know that without me, her dream would not have come into reality. I thought of the pieces of Night Heron laying around in my basement while I worked on Souad's hair salon. Now that the salon has been renovated and is open for business: I can get on with the Night Heron work. Take a look at the images within my Flickr album to see how the room was developed into a hair salon. I don't know where the image of that old fool came from but there you have it. He wandered into the shop one day and decided to stay. Apparently he works for food, coffee, red wine, Guinness and beer.
Robert N Pruden

Messages In This Thread
- Off Topic: What have I been doing lately? Take a look... *LINK* *Pic*
Robert N Pruden -- 2/11/2009, 7:43 pm- Re: Off Topic: What have I been doing lately? Take
Etienne Muller -- 2/13/2009, 6:27 pm- Re: Off Topic: What have I been doing lately? Take
Robert N Pruden -- 2/13/2009, 6:39 pm
- Re: Off Topic: What have I been doing lately? Take
tony olsen -- 2/12/2009, 10:38 pm- Recovering from renovating and kayak const images *LINK* *Pic*
Robert N Pruden -- 2/12/2009, 11:02 pm
- Looked,
Very impressed. *NM*
Mike Savage -- 2/12/2009, 5:39 am- Re: Looked,
Very impressed.
Robert N Pruden -- 2/12/2009, 11:06 pm
- Well done Robert!!! *NM*
Glen Smith -- 2/11/2009, 8:18 pm- Re: Well done Robert!!!
Robert N Pruden -- 2/12/2009, 11:04 pm
- Re: Off Topic: What have I been doing lately? Take
- Re: Off Topic: What have I been doing lately? Take