Re: Strip: ros gouge
In Response To: Strip: ros gouge (charlie r)
: any tips on repairing a gouge from an ros. it's about 2.5 inches long on a
: strip that has a bend to it. deep enough to be noticed since it's at the
: center of the hull at the bow.
: thanks , charlie
Hi Charlie,
The only way I can think that would fix it, other than some filler that you'll see, would be cutting the gouge out with a razor knife then fitting a filler piece cut to fit and gluing that into the cut. Won't be fun on a curve clamping it, but you could use a heat gun to pre-bend the piece so it won't take a lot of pressure to hold it in place then staples should hold it till the glue sets.
Bill H.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: ros gouge
charlie r -- 3/1/2009, 7:33 pm- Re: Strip: ros gouge
Scott Fitzgerrell -- 3/5/2009, 12:16 pm- Re: Strip: ros gouge
charlie r -- 3/6/2009, 8:36 pm- Re: Strip: ros gouge
Bill Hamm -- 3/8/2009, 12:45 am
- Re: Strip: ros gouge
- Re: Strip: ros gouge
Etienne Muller -- 3/3/2009, 3:12 pm- Re: Strip: ros gouge
Bill Hamm -- 3/2/2009, 12:46 am - Re: Strip: ros gouge
- Re: Strip: ros gouge