Date: 3/8/2009, 1:36 am
: Finally!
: Found a way to clamp a paddle blank for carving that both is cheap and works.
: Used with a Black and Decker Workmate, most people have one, very handy
: device, except when you try to clamp a paddle blank in it you end up way
: off center and it wants to tip.
: It's an 8' 2x4, glued and screwed to an 8' 2x2 to form a T section, then a
: bit over 3' from one end drill a 3/8" hole 1/2" from each edge
: of the 2x4. I used 3/8" x 4" carrige bolts covered with
: 3/8" ID air hose. The bolts, with the hose slipped over them thru the
: holes and bolted underneath. The bolts keep the paddle from sliding down
: the board while you're planning the surface. If you use one of the angles
: you've cut off to form the paddle blank, you can clamp the end you're not
: working on to the T section. This way you clamp the T section so you're
: planning over the Workmate so it doesn't want to tip over and the bolts
: and clamp keep the paddle blank secure to the T section.
: Works great, costs maybe $5
: I'm teaching a class on Greenland paddle carving and have been trying to find
: a cheap and easy way to hold the paddles while carving, only 5 in the
: class so my costs were under $25 for the clamps. Now just trying to borrow
: enough Workmates so each student has one.
: Not hard to make a base so they can be used on a sawhorse too btw.
: If I get a chance I'll get pictures, probably after the class in a couple
: weeks.
: Bill H.
Have any of you tested a "carving horse"? Its exelent for carving paddles and otter homemade stuff.

Messages In This Thread
- Paddle: clamp for carving paddles
Bill Hamm -- 3/6/2009, 4:11 pm- Re: Paddle: clamp for carving paddles *LINK* *Pic*
Daniel from sweden -- 3/8/2009, 1:36 am- Re: Paddle: clamp for carving paddles
Bill Hamm -- 3/8/2009, 2:37 pm- Schnitzlebunk=carving horse
Paul Lueders -- 3/8/2009, 7:03 am- Re: Schnitzlebunk=carving horse
Bill Hamm -- 3/8/2009, 2:41 pm
- Schnitzlebunk=carving horse
- Re: Paddle: clamp for carving paddles
Doug Smith -- 3/8/2009, 1:28 am- Re: Paddle: clamp for carving paddles
Bill Hamm -- 3/9/2009, 2:14 am
- Re: Paddle: clamp for carving paddles
Bill Hamm -- 3/8/2009, 12:35 am- Workmates cheap
Brian Nystrom -- 3/7/2009, 9:27 am- Re: Workmates cheap
Bill Hamm -- 3/7/2009, 10:53 am
- Re: Paddle: clamp for carving paddles------WebKitF
fred Gasper------WebKitFormBoundaryN716A2k+1Hk5yF0 -- 3/7/2009, 7:53 am- Re: Paddle: clamp for carving paddles------WebKitF
Bill Hamm -- 3/7/2009, 9:07 am
- Re: Paddle: clamp for carving paddles
Phil Nelson -- 3/6/2009, 6:38 pm- Re: Paddle: clamp for carving paddles
Kurt Maurer -- 3/6/2009, 6:34 pm- Re: Paddle: clamp for carving paddles
Bill Hamm -- 3/6/2009, 7:27 pm- Re: Paddle: clamp for carving paddles
Kurt Maurer -- 3/6/2009, 7:52 pm- Re: Paddle: clamp for carving paddles
Bill Hamm -- 3/6/2009, 9:44 pm- Re: Paddle: clamp for carving paddles
John F Monroe -- 3/7/2009, 5:46 am- Re: Paddle: clamp for carving paddles
Bill Hamm -- 3/7/2009, 9:03 am
- Re: Paddle: clamp for carving paddles
- Re: Paddle: clamp for carving paddles
- Re: Paddle: clamp for carving paddles
- Re: Paddle: clamp for carving paddles
- Re: Paddle: clamp for carving paddles
- Re: Paddle: clamp for carving paddles *LINK* *Pic*