Date: 3/25/2009, 8:11 pm
: Personally I don't like the "hand" of epoxy for a paddle, makes it
: slippery. I prefer oil as a finish. Have been playing with using Watco
: danish oil first then tung oil, seems to hold up somewhat better than just
: using tung oil.
: Bill H.
I've been making paddles epoxy coated and varnished for over twenty years.
I don't find them slippery at all.
Unless you wax or apply oil to the varnish it is not slick.
Epoxy absorbs into wood so a rough surface is not needed for a strong bond.
I glue up all my paddles with epoxy and segments of wood right off a jointer.
I sand surfaces to 220 grit to reveal the luster of the wood.
I don't use fiberglass. The epoxy and varnish coating is a tough exterior
the keeps the paddle from absorbing water and keeps it looking good.
All the best,

Messages In This Thread
- Paddle: What surface to epoxy?
Daniel from sweden -- 3/24/2009, 12:58 pm- Why epoxy?
Dave Gentry -- 3/25/2009, 11:20 am- Re: Paddle: What surface to epoxy?
Brian Nystrom -- 3/25/2009, 8:01 am- Re: Paddle: What surface to epoxy?
Bill Hamm -- 3/25/2009, 12:44 am- Re: Paddle: What surface to epoxy? *Pic*
Rob Macks / Laughing Loon CC&K -- 3/25/2009, 8:11 pm
- Re: Paddle: What surface to epoxy?
JohnK -- 3/24/2009, 5:27 pm- Re: Paddle: What surface to epoxy?
skiffrace -- 3/24/2009, 4:40 pm- Re: Paddle: What surface to epoxy? *LINK*
Daniel from sweden -- 3/25/2009, 1:32 pm- Re: Paddle: What surface to epoxy?
Pawistik -- 3/25/2009, 5:04 pm
- Re: Paddle: What surface to epoxy?
- Re: Paddle: What surface to epoxy?
- Why epoxy?