Date: 4/6/2009, 3:50 pm
The jigs are made from 60mm hardboard squares. Slots are cut 10mm from the edge, and are a jam fit on the strips - I filed the entry corners of the slots to avoid damaging the strips. The standoff blocks are 10mm which in my case is the thickness of two strips.
When held in the jigs, the new strip has a 5mm gap between it and the previous strip. This is because the blade on my plane doesn't go all the way to the edge, so sitting the strips flush wouldn't work.
I made one jig for each form/station, and that number seems to be fine for most of the job. A couple of extra ones would be good during the longer strips as I was swapping jigs from one end to the other to accommodate the tighter angles around the bow and stern.

Messages In This Thread
- Tools: trim plane for strip bevel?
DaveS -- 4/5/2009, 8:49 am- Re: Tools: trim plane for strip bevel?
Bill Hamm -- 4/6/2009, 12:36 am- Re: Tools: trim plane for strip bevel? *Pic*
Simeon -- 4/5/2009, 4:13 pm- Pic *Pic*
Simeon -- 4/5/2009, 4:23 pm- Re: Pic
Matthew -- 4/5/2009, 10:36 pm- Re: Pic
DaveS -- 4/5/2009, 9:30 pm- Standoff Jig detail *Pic*
Simeon -- 4/6/2009, 3:50 pm- Re: Standoff Jig detail
DaveS -- 4/6/2009, 5:50 pm
- Stand off jigs - another view *Pic*
Simeon -- 4/5/2009, 10:40 pm- Stand off jigs *Pic*
Simeon -- 4/5/2009, 10:15 pm- Stand off jigs
Simeon -- 4/5/2009, 10:13 pm- Re: Stand off jigs
Mike Savage -- 4/6/2009, 7:32 am- Re: Stand off jigs
Glen Smith -- 4/5/2009, 10:26 pm - Re: Stand off jigs
- Re: Standoff Jig detail
- Re: Pic
James -- 4/5/2009, 8:34 pm - Re: Pic
- Re: Pic
- Re: Tools: trim plane for strip bevel?
Kudzu -- 4/5/2009, 9:55 am - Re: Tools: trim plane for strip bevel? *Pic*
- Re: Tools: trim plane for strip bevel?