Date: 4/14/2009, 10:35 am
: When I work in my basement in the winter, It cures to the touch over night
: and it's about 60 or a little less. Epoxy takes many weeks to fully cure.
: It's in the curing process for a long time and has the tendency to out-gas
: and produce blush if the conditions are right. As far as how long
: specifically, who knows? RAKA would probably have to call the
: manufacturing plant to get that info.
: For anyone reading this ... you should always plan your fill coats a day
: apart and try to get to work where you can produce heat if needed. The
: problem with filling glass weave is that once it's fully hard, how do you
: sand it without cutting into the glass. If you have no chemical bond
: going, you should sand it. I once worked with someone who had this happen
: and we scrubbed it with wire brushes and soap and water.
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I fiberglassed on saturday. If I do a fill coat today, would I be okay not sanding?
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Fill Coat
Dave Hawkins -- 4/12/2009, 4:23 pm- Strip: Fill Coat
Jay Babina -- 4/13/2009, 8:38 am- Re: Strip: Fill Coat
Dave Hawkins -- 4/13/2009, 10:09 am- Re: Strip: Fill Coat
Jay Babina -- 4/13/2009, 10:40 am- Re: Strip: Fill Coat
Dave Hawkins -- 4/13/2009, 2:31 pm- Strip: Fill Coat
Jay Babina -- 4/14/2009, 9:48 am- Re: Strip: Fill Coat
David Hawkins -- 4/14/2009, 10:35 am
- Re: Strip: Fill Coat
- Strip: Fill Coat
- Re: Strip: Fill Coat
- Re: Strip: Fill Coat
- Re: Strip: Fill Coat
Bill Hamm -- 4/13/2009, 12:33 am - Re: Strip: Fill Coat
- Strip: Fill Coat