Re: Strip: Cheek Plates
In Response To: Strip: Cheek Plates (Dave Hawkins)
: I'm building my first kayak and was wondering about what size would be good
: for the cheek plates.
: Thanks
Mine I think are like 4" wide and I make them long enough to reach the bottom of the boat then tape them to the bottom. (yeah I know it makes a hard spot, not had a problem with that). Btw, I pad mine with minicell, so the width of the cheek plates isn't as critical, I find the foam easier on my hips.
Bill H.
Bill H.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Cheek Plates
Dave Hawkins -- 5/6/2009, 10:54 am- Re: Strip: Cheek Plates
Bill Hamm -- 5/7/2009, 12:35 am- Re: Strip: Cheek Plates
Etienne Muller -- 5/9/2009, 6:01 pm
- Re: Strip: Cheek Plates
- Re: Strip: Cheek Plates