Re: Strip: Varnish *Pic*
In Response To: Strip: Varnish (Dave Hawkins)
: I'm almost done building my Guillemot and I have to wait for the epoxy to
: fully cure so that I can varnish it. Is it okay to go ahead and try
: without the varnish?
: Thanks
I check my boats for cockpit placement before I enlarge the cutout. This pre-varnish. Once the boat is epoxy coated you can even wet sand.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Varnish
Dave Hawkins -- 5/12/2009, 10:06 am- Yes, but consider polyurathane *LINK*
John Caldeira -- 5/12/2009, 7:03 pm- Re: Yes, but consider polyurathane
skiffrace -- 5/12/2009, 8:33 pm- Re: Yes, but consider polyurathane
bueller -- 5/12/2009, 7:33 pm - Re: Yes, but consider polyurathane
- Re: Strip: Varnish *Pic*
Etienne Muller -- 5/12/2009, 5:52 pm- Re: Strip: Varnish *LINK*
skiffrace -- 5/12/2009, 2:16 pm - Re: Yes, but consider polyurathane
- Yes, but consider polyurathane *LINK*