Filling the foot area in the hull?
In Response To: Re: Epoxy: filling the weave inside the hull? (jeff mcgee)
I also fill the floor area from the seat forward to the foot pegs. There's a a lot of sand abrasion that occurs there and it makes sliding in and out of the kayak much easier.
Messages In This Thread
- Epoxy: filling the weave inside the hull?
uga_danny -- 7/30/2009, 11:45 pm- Re: Epoxy: filling the weave inside the hull?
Deano -- 8/6/2009, 5:22 pm - Re: Epoxy: filling the weave inside the hull?
jeff mcgee -- 8/1/2009, 1:09 am- Filling the foot area in the hull?
Jay Babina -- 8/2/2009, 9:21 am- Re: Filling the foot area in the hull?
Robert N Pruden -- 8/4/2009, 9:36 am- Re: Filling the foot area in the hull?
Bill Hamm -- 8/5/2009, 12:30 am
- Re: Filling the foot area in the hull?
- Re: Filling the foot area in the hull?
- Filling the foot area in the hull?
- Re: Epoxy: filling the weave inside the hull?
JEM -- 7/31/2009, 9:16 am- Re: Epoxy: filling the weave inside the hull?
uga_danny -- 7/31/2009, 1:44 pm- Re: Epoxy: filling the weave inside the hull?
uga_danny -- 7/31/2009, 1:50 pm
- Re: Epoxy: filling the weave inside the hull?
- Re: Epoxy: filling the weave inside the hull?
- Re: Epoxy: filling the weave inside the hull?
Robert N Pruden -- 7/31/2009, 8:48 am - Re: Epoxy: filling the weave inside the hull?
Clayton Plunkett -- 7/31/2009, 7:53 am - Re: Epoxy: filling the weave inside the hull?
Duane Strosaker -- 7/31/2009, 12:47 am
- Re: Epoxy: filling the weave inside the hull?