: I've got the kit for a Night Heron for CLCboats. The strong back came 20 feet
: long and the plans called for 14 feet. Cut back the S.back...but now I've
: got to taper one end for a stem. WHEN I taper this end back, I'm going to
: have a hollow area on bottom. Anyone have a problem with dat...as far as
: fixing a stem to it?
: AND....SECOND...okay, my boat will be 18 feet long...and I have around 1200
: feet of cedar strips (cove/bead)8 feet long. I have spent 3 days trying
: different methods to SCARF 3 pieces together....(jig on sanding wheel 100
: grit.....table saw with jig.....band saw with jig). Those CEDAR strips are
: so DAMN FRAGILE...that I can't get a sweeet cut at the end. This is
: important because I'm going stapless and hoping for a piece of art in the
: end.
: I'm on my 3rd blade with the band saw...really fine tooth...but the cedar is
: still taking a small beating.
: HELP??!?!??????
I just use a belt sander, easy and fast. If you don't have a jig you really do need to cut both scarfs at once or they won't match. Kurt's way works too, the pull saw with the fine teeth makes short work of cedar.
Bill H.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: scarfing
victor druten -- 8/23/2009, 6:09 pm- Re: Strip: scarfing
johne -- 8/24/2009, 12:07 pm- Re: Strip: scarfing
Dave Houser -- 8/27/2009, 3:58 pm
- Re: Strip: scarfing
- Re: Strip: scarfing
Bill Hamm -- 8/24/2009, 12:10 am - Re: Strip: scarfing
Deano -- 8/23/2009, 9:59 pm - Re: Strip: scarfing *LINK* *Pic*
Kurt Maurer -- 8/23/2009, 7:23 pm- Re: Strip: scarfing
Darren -- 8/26/2009, 7:00 am- Re: Strip: scarfing
Kurt Maurer -- 8/26/2009, 9:46 am- Re: Strip: scarfing
Darren -- 8/26/2009, 8:13 pm
- Re: Strip: scarfing
- Re: Strip: scarfing
Allan -- 8/26/2009, 7:24 am
- Re: Strip: scarfing
- Re: Strip: scarfing
- Re: Strip: scarfing