Re: Strip: Vertical forms *PIC*
In Response To: Strip: Vertical forms (Palle Dam)
For alignment I purchased a couple of laser levels that were fairly inexpensive. I screwed horiz. & vert. blocks onto the strongback using a square and level at each station. I then drilled slightly over sized holes in my forms and attached them to the blocks using screws with washers. The true vertical alignment and squarness of each form is based off the placement of the blocks. The rotational alignment of each form was based on adjusting the slip adjustment of the forms to the blocks.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Vertical forms
Palle Dam -- 12/14/2009, 6:45 pm- Re: Strip: Vertical forms *PIC*
mtkayak -- 12/16/2009, 1:18 pm- Re: Strip: Vertical forms
Rob Macks / Laughing Loon CC&K -- 12/16/2009, 9:47 am- Re: Strip: Vertical forms *PIC*
Etienne Muller - Ireland -- 12/15/2009, 6:39 am- Re: Strip: Vertical forms
Bill Hamm -- 12/15/2009, 12:54 am- Re: Strip: Vertical forms *PIC*
tony olsen -- 12/14/2009, 11:11 pm - Re: Strip: Vertical forms
- Re: Strip: Vertical forms *PIC*