Date: 1/17/2010, 4:49 pm
I use a hollowshaft/carbon core ZUZU paddle and I just weighed it. 2 lb 7.1 ounces. This is my heaviest paddle but also my favorite for touring, especially in cold weather. For rougher use surfing or Deception Pass, I use a Werner 197 WW paddle.
I agree with Brian that the hollow WRC shaft may be a weak point but the 1.5 inch diameter is to your advantage.
The whole game with equipment is to know the limits of it and stay inside those limits. I would say use it and enjoy it.
I attached a photo that a friend just sent me from yesterdays foggy paddle.
: I have just finised making two Euro style paddles. One with blade
: shape as in Nick's book and an overall length of 90". The
: other has 1/2" wider blades and is 87" long (bigger
: blade, shorter lever.) The shafts are hollow, 1 1/2" dia.
: WRC with oval hand grips, and the blades are of WRC, ash and
: walnut strips. I have used a sheet of 4oz glass just on the
: backs of the blades, a glass bead protection edge, and joined
: the two halves using a 4" long internal dowel and a wrap of
: 4oz glass. The weights worked out at 2lb 7oz and 2lb 6oz. they
: feel fine in the hand to me but I won't get to use them for
: several weeks yet. Is their weight OK or am I going to find them
: heavy.
Messages In This Thread
- Paddle: build weight
Les Cheeseman -- 1/17/2010, 10:15 am- Re: Paddle: build weight
Roy -- 1/17/2010, 7:10 pm- Re: Paddle: build weight *PIC*
Reg Lake -- 1/17/2010, 4:49 pm- Re: Paddle: build weight
Brian Nystrom -- 1/17/2010, 1:50 pm- Re: Paddle: build weight
Les Cheeseman -- 1/18/2010, 4:51 am
- Re: Paddle: build weight *PIC*
- Re: Paddle: build weight