Re: S&G: Minimum bend radius of Okoume plywood
By:Jim Farrelly------WebKitFormBoundary+jH3iW3RBvAm9G
Date: 1/28/2010, 4:38 pm
Date: 1/28/2010, 4:38 pm
In Response To: S&G: Minimum bend radius of Okoume plywood *PIC* (Aaron Locke - Washington Wood Craft)
: Hi all,
: I am currently working on panel stress analysis and am seeking
: empirical data for Okoume.
: More specifically, I am looking for the minimum bend radius for
: each thickness commonly used. I am only
: interested in radii for cold bending ( not soaked or steamed ).
The hardest bend I ever made was while closing the nose of Nick's surf kayak. It took two days of fiddling with clamps to get it all to work and not torque out to one side or the other. Unfortunately I dont have any pics of the nose.
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: Minimum bend radius of Okoume plywood *PIC*
Aaron Locke - Washington Wood Craft -- 1/28/2010, 12:46 pm- Re: S&G: Minimum bend radius of Okoume plywood
danp -- 1/29/2010, 3:47 pm - Re: S&G: Minimum bend radius of Okoume plywood
Malcolm Schweizer -- 1/28/2010, 10:31 pm - Re: S&G: Minimum bend radius of Okoume plywood
Bill Hamm -- 1/28/2010, 7:43 pm- Re: S&G: Minimum bend radius of Okoume plywood
Aaron Locke - Washington Wood Craft -- 1/28/2010, 8:21 pm- Re: S&G: Minimum bend radius of Okoume plywood
Bill Hamm -- 1/29/2010, 2:09 am
- Re: S&G: Minimum bend radius of Okoume plywood
- Re: S&G: Minimum bend radius of Okoume plywood
- Re: S&G: Minimum bend radius of Okoume plywood
Chris Ostlind -- 1/28/2010, 7:05 pm - Re: S&G: Minimum bend radius of Okoume plywood
Jim Farrelly------WebKitFormBoundary+jH3iW3RBvAm9G -- 1/28/2010, 4:38 pm- Re: S&G: Minimum bend radius of Okoume plywood *PIC*
Aaron Locke - Washington Wood Craft -- 1/28/2010, 5:56 pm
- Re: S&G: Minimum bend radius of Okoume plywood *PIC*
- Re: S&G: Minimum bend radius of Okoume plywood