: Btw, mine's a Karma but the Zen is the one most seem to want.
: Pretty much unobtainium.
: There are Watersticks around, but finding someone willing to sell
: theirs is getting tricky. Once you paddle with one, you won't
: want anything else and you'll never ever have to think which way
: the blade is facing.
: I'll try to find a pix of the shaft, it's odd shaped and hard to
: photograph.
: Bill H.
I've hunted all over for decent pix of this paddle, have to try to take some of my own. Difficult right now since I'm packing. The pix you see on the web show a regular looking bent shaft paddle, but this bent shaft is nothing like one you've seen before. The grip area is sorta flattened and enlarged forming a hand shaped grip that is very natural feeling. Paddle also has a very unusual shape to the blade that has just as much power, if not more, backpaddling. Wish I'd bought a longer one from their touring line when they were still around.
Heard they broke their mold (again) for the paddle and were having production issues so just gave up. The company that made it is a large composite building company, the paddle was a sideline that ended up taking too much time away from their core business.
Bill H.
Messages In This Thread
- Paddle: Whitewater?
Mike Bielski -- 1/26/2010, 11:59 am- Re: Paddle: Whitewater?
Randy Knauff -- 1/29/2010, 2:19 pm- Re: Paddle: Whitewater?
Mike Bielski -- 1/29/2010, 2:40 pm- Re: Paddle: Whitewater?
Bill Hamm -- 1/31/2010, 12:45 am- Re: Paddle: Whitewater?
Bill Hamm -- 1/31/2010, 12:52 am- Re: Paddle: Whitewater?
Bill Hamm -- 1/31/2010, 1:48 am- Re: Paddle: Whitewater?
Mike Bielski -- 1/31/2010, 3:13 pm- Re: Paddle: Whitewater?
Bill Hamm -- 2/1/2010, 12:40 am- Re: Paddle: Whitewater?
Mike Bielski -- 2/1/2010, 9:28 am- Re: Paddle: Whitewater?
Bill Hamm -- 2/2/2010, 1:27 am
- Re: Paddle: Whitewater?
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- Re: Paddle: Whitewater?
- Re: Paddle: Whitewater?
- Re: Paddle: Whitewater?
- Re: Paddle: Whitewater?
- Re: Paddle: Whitewater?
- Re: Paddle: Whitewater?
- Re: Paddle: Whitewater?
Reg Lake -- 1/26/2010, 2:33 pm- Re: Paddle: Whitewater?
Mike Bielski -- 1/26/2010, 6:44 pm
- Re: Paddle: Whitewater?
- Re: Paddle: Whitewater?