Re: Skin-on-Frame: Sea Bee 13 by Yost, build Quest *PIC*
In Response To: Re: Skin-on-Frame: Sea Bee 13 by Yost, build Quest (sparetime)
: Does the deck ridge attach to the coming or to the section mold? I
: probably just need to get it set up and see how everything fits.
It should attach to the notched cross sections. Read the instructions... and then
set it up on the strongback and it will make sense. Here's a pic from the instructions.
Section 2 (front of coaming) in the pic is rounded, but the concept is the same.
Look at other boats frames, both folders and wood non folders throught
the manual's as examples.
Regards, Tom

Messages In This Thread
- Skin-on-Frame: Sea Bee 13 by Yost, build Question
sparetime -- 2/1/2010, 2:06 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Sea Bee 13 by Yost, build Quest
sparetime -- 2/2/2010, 9:16 am- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Sea Bee 13 by Yost, build Quest *PIC*
Tom Yost -- 2/2/2010, 9:46 am
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Sea Bee 13 by Yost, build Quest
Tom Yost -- 2/2/2010, 8:30 am- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Sea Bee 13 by Yost, build Quest
Bill Hamm -- 2/2/2010, 1:24 am - Re: Skin-on-Frame: Sea Bee 13 by Yost, build Quest *PIC*
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Sea Bee 13 by Yost, build Quest