: Hi,
: Please excuse me if this question has been asked and I couldn't
: find it. I've had Nick Schades book for a year or two, and have
: yet to start heh. I was and still am stuck at the point in which
: you loft the points. I was wondering what everyone did for that.
: Do you do it on the computer? or do you purchase the plans or do
: you purchase the whole kit and kaboodle at like noahs or
: something? Also if anyone was in Toronto, Ontario that could
: either show me or give me a couple pointers.
I'm building my Guillemot from the book too. I lofted the forms in a simple CAD drawing program, entering each coordinate as an xy coordinate, and then drawing a line (using the 'arc' tool, which makes a bendy line) from point to point. I then printed them out on printer paper at home and taped them all together(!). I would recommend having OfficeMax print them out on big paper. I found it fun to use the CAD program- it was a great way to learn to use it and has opened the door for plenty of other projects. I used and inexpensive program called Q-CAD for Mac OS X.
Nothing against Nick's plans, to be sure- I'm just a do-it-yourselfer to the core...

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Strip start help
r-ice -- 2/10/2010, 10:38 pm- Re: Strip: Strip start help
Ian johnson -- 2/11/2010, 5:14 am- Re: Strip: Strip start help
Bill Hamm -- 2/11/2010, 2:54 pm- Re: Strip: Strip start help
Ian Johnson -- 2/11/2010, 3:49 pm
- Re: Strip: Strip start help
Will N to Go -- 2/11/2010, 9:24 am - Re: Strip: Strip start help
- Re: Strip: Strip start help *PIC*
Shawn -- 2/11/2010, 1:36 am- Re: Strip: Strip start help
Bill Hamm -- 2/11/2010, 1:02 am- Re: Strip: Strip start help
george jung -- 2/10/2010, 11:12 pm- Re: Strip: Strip start help
r-ice -- 2/10/2010, 11:21 pm- Re: Strip: Strip start help
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/21/2010, 8:56 am- Re: Strip: Strip start help
Bill Hamm -- 2/11/2010, 1:05 am - Re: Strip: Strip start help
- Re: Strip: Strip start help
- Re: Strip: Strip start help
- Re: Strip: Strip start help