Date: 2/21/2010, 11:32 am
: Redfish wants to know the distance from the aft bukhead to the back
: of the cockpit. I haven't put that in yet so how far should it
: be?
If you look at the vertical block that supports the curved backrest, It fits nicely in between the deck and the keel and pushes to a stop against the bulkhead at the rear. This gives very positive support in all the right places for me.
From the point of view of T rescues: ideally the bulkhead should be as close to the cockpit edge as reasonable in order to empty the maximum amount of water.
I actually place my rear bulkhead about three or four inches back. This works out well for Redfish Seats as the foam block can be trimmed to fit nicely in under the deck, is held firmly in place, has the depth to give that foam pillar some decent stiffness, and I have a little stowage space behind me on each side of the vertical foam pillar.
The reason Joe Redfish wants the bulkhead depth is so that he can make that pillar the correct depth/thickness. If there is any doubt, I would add an inch. It can always be trimmed to suit.
Please note, from the photo, that the pillar rises to the top of the coaming. I gave the depth from under deck to keel and ALSO added the height to top of coaming. That last bit of foam is very nice just there on the spine where it touches the coaming.
Now for a bit of a ramble... The Redfish seat suits me so well because I am primarily a touring paddler and I like to settle in for long distance for hours on end. Whatever is said about good ergonomics and sitting up straight and putting your back into it etc, the reality for me is that for a long distance it is really nice to be comfortable and to have some real support in the small of the back.
For the above reason I should qualify my previous posting by saying that this is a touring seat. If you want to practice layback rolls you may want to remove it for the session and arrange something temporary that is more suitable.
Finally, a cautionary note, I like (not radical) smaller ocean style openings (about 15 x 22 inch) and bring the rear of the cockpit forward to just. touch my spine. THIS WORKS OUT PERFECTLY FOR REDFISH SEATS. Many, if not most, designers allow space behind the back-band location and the rear of the coaming to allow for more layback in rolls and some adjustment in fore/aft seat location.
If this is the case with your cockpit on the plans, then you either need to adjust the rear of your opening to reduce this space, or if you want to keep this space behind your spine, then you need to add this measurement to the depth of the foam pillar on your Redfish Seat.
If you are unsure of the above you could check with your designer what allowance there is.
I don't know if that makes any sense at all if you have not build boats before.
I hope this has been of some use to you in your deliberations.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Kayak Seat
Ned Smith -- 2/20/2010, 1:29 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat *PIC*
Scott Fitzgerrell -- 2/21/2010, 11:03 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
Joe Whitman -- 2/23/2010, 12:45 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
Scott Fitzgerrell -- 2/23/2010, 12:56 pm
- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
Greg Bridges -- 2/21/2010, 12:08 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
Kudzu -- 2/20/2010, 6:05 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
Glen Smith -- 2/20/2010, 2:07 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat *PIC*
Etienne Muller - Ireland -- 2/20/2010, 1:38 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
Ned Smith -- 2/20/2010, 3:49 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat *PIC*
Etienne Muller - Ireland -- 2/21/2010, 11:32 am- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
Craig Robinson -- 2/24/2010, 7:13 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat *PIC*
Etienne Muller - Ireland -- 2/25/2010, 2:07 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat *PIC*
Etienne Muller - Ireland -- 2/25/2010, 2:08 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat *PIC*
Etienne Muller - Ireland -- 2/25/2010, 2:12 pm
- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
Bill Hamm -- 2/22/2010, 12:11 am- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
Etienne Muller - Ireland -- 2/22/2010, 7:53 am
- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
george jung -- 2/20/2010, 5:56 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
Roy -- 2/26/2010, 12:53 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
Brian Nystrom -- 2/20/2010, 6:39 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
george jung -- 2/20/2010, 7:04 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
Glen Smith -- 2/20/2010, 7:32 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
george jung -- 2/20/2010, 7:49 pm- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
Bill Hamm -- 2/21/2010, 12:26 am- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
Bill Hamm -- 2/21/2010, 12:23 am - Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat *PIC*
- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat
- Re: Strip: Kayak Seat *PIC*