George thanks for your input. that's what i was wondering after reading some of the more recent posts here. Nick's book is a great resource, but imagine there have been some tech advances made with these boats since 1998. the thing that prompted me to post this was the CLC site where i ordered my cloth. looking at their material specs on the cloth for the Expedition Single as 4oz all around got me thinking to start there and reinforce with a second layer in the higher stressed areas. may end up going that way anyway as they have their 6oz cloth on a 2 week backorder and they shipped me enough 4 oz to do the boat.
: Bill Hamm didn't elaborate on this topic (I dunno why.... he's
: talked this subject so many times, he must have it 'saved'
: somewhere....
: :-)
: But you might try the search function. There's a pretty significant
: weight/strength trade off, depending on what weight cloth you
: use, but also more importantly, your background / experience
: using epoxy. I had little, and my first boat.... well, it seems
: we newbies go with 'more is stronger' and end up with a boat
: weight reminiscent of a concrete canoe. (BTW, less is more is
: the mantra to remember).
: I'm on my second boat - using lighter cloth, doubled in some key
: areas, and much less epoxy. It's a strong build, and will weigh,
: I think, perhaps 40% less than my first boat). Maybe you're a
: bodybuilder, and relish the exercise of hoisting a 75# boat on
: top of your car. I'm not/I don't. Besides, just my observation,
: but every year, that boat has gotten a lil' bit heavier. YMMV.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: epoxy and fiberglass choices
billy -- 4/5/2010, 9:27 am- Re: Strip: epoxy and fiberglass choices
Bill Hamm -- 4/6/2010, 12:36 am- Re: Strip: epoxy and fiberglass choices
billy -- 4/6/2010, 1:41 pm- Re: Strip: epoxy and fiberglass choices
george jung -- 4/8/2010, 10:28 pm- Re: Strip: epoxy and fiberglass choices
Bill Hamm -- 4/11/2010, 1:09 am - Re: Strip: epoxy and fiberglass choices
billy -- 4/8/2010, 11:09 pm- Re: Strip: epoxy and fiberglass choices
Bill Hamm -- 4/11/2010, 1:12 am
- Re: Strip: epoxy and fiberglass choices
- Re: Strip: epoxy and fiberglass choices
- Re: Strip: epoxy and fiberglass choices
- Re: Strip: epoxy and fiberglass choices
- Re: Strip: epoxy and fiberglass choices