Re: Seeking: Kayak Storage Straps and How To Carry *PIC*
In Response To: Seeking: Kayak Storage Straps and How To Carry?? (Jason LaPort)
: I plan on taking this back in as much as 3 to 5 miles at
: times.
Charlie raised some good points. Also consider that for a portage of 3-5 miles you'll probably be much happier with a kayak cart than doing an actual "carry". If you search on this forum or on the net in general you can find plans for a build-it-yourself cart you can make with PVC tubing, etc. If you're not anxious to do that you can find some store-bought carts in various price ranges. Most of them break down to component parts for storage in the kayak while you are paddling.

Messages In This Thread
- Seeking: Kayak Storage Straps and How To Carry??
Jason LaPort -- 4/26/2010, 12:18 pm- Re: Seeking: Kayak Storage Straps and How To Carry *PIC*
Reg Lake -- 4/26/2010, 9:31 pm- Re: Seeking: Kayak Storage Straps and How To Carry
Ian Johnson -- 4/27/2010, 12:33 am- Re: Seeking: Kayak Storage Straps and How To Carry
graybeard -- 4/27/2010, 9:36 am
- another photo *NM* *PIC*
Reg Lake -- 4/26/2010, 9:33 pm - Re: Seeking: Kayak Storage Straps and How To Carry
- Re: Seeking: Kayak Storage Straps and How To Carry *PIC*
Howie -- 4/26/2010, 7:11 pm- Re: Seeking: Kayak Storage Straps and How To Carry
Jason LaPort -- 4/26/2010, 7:27 pm
- Re: Seeking: Kayak Storage Straps and How To Carry
Charlie -- 4/26/2010, 6:14 pm - Re: Seeking: Kayak Storage Straps and How To Carry
- Re: Seeking: Kayak Storage Straps and How To Carry *PIC*