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Re: Strip: wearing out my moaning chair
By:Bill Hamm
Date: 5/13/2010, 12:16 am
In Response To: Strip: wearing out my moaning chair (george jung)

: Well, it's poop or git off the pot time ....

: I've cut out my hatches (really despise that part - it seems so
: final!) and I'm working up nerve to glue the halves together. I
: was awful careful (honest!) and yet.... I've got gaps, bends and
: bulges that weren't part of the original plans. Oh, they're not
: insurmountable (I've got come-a longs with this boats name on
: it) but still..... Uncle Nick makes it look so doggone easy in
: his videos.

: So here's the plan. I'm not gluing in the hatch shelves (ala'
: Vaclav) until after the halves are glued together (I have no
: small enuff kids to send in there, so I need all the rooom I can
: get); I'll comealong the halves, and use packing tape every
: 6" to hold it together, then use Superglue to tack weld it.
: Then it's 'dive in' time with the epoxy and tape. Any gaps on
: the outside - fill with sawdust/epoxy, and tape it.

: Any holes in this?

Hi George,

I'd glue the hatch supports in first, the deck will change shape when you draw the two parts together and the hatch rings may not fit after the hull/deck are joined.

Bill H.

Messages In This Thread

Strip: wearing out my moaning chair
george jung -- 5/12/2010, 10:42 pm
Re: Strip: wearing out my moaning chair
Clayton Plunkett -- 5/13/2010, 11:59 am
Re: Strip: wearing out my moaning chair
george jung -- 5/16/2010, 4:35 pm
Re: Strip: wearing out my moaning chair
Bill Hamm -- 5/13/2010, 12:16 am
Re: Strip: wearing out my moaning chair
george jung -- 5/13/2010, 8:27 am
Re: Strip: wearing out my moaning chair
Bill Hamm -- 5/13/2010, 1:18 pm
Re: Strip: wearing out my moaning chair
Ross Leidy -- 5/13/2010, 8:53 am
Re: Strip: wearing out my moaning chair
Bill Hamm -- 5/13/2010, 1:19 pm
Re: Strip: wearing out my moaning chair
Bill Hamm -- 5/13/2010, 1:21 pm