Re: Strip: Scotch Tape
In Response To: Strip: Scotch Tape (Ned Smith)
: I used Scotch tape to separate the two halves of the hull as I was
: stripping. Now I am having a devil of a time getting it off.
: Does anyone know of a solvent that will cause transparent tape
: to shrivel up so I can easily peel it off? Thanks.
Heat. Hair drier. Heat gun is probably too hot.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Scotch Tape
Ned Smith -- 5/13/2010, 9:27 am- Re: Strip: Scotch Tape
Mike Bielski -- 5/13/2010, 10:32 am - Re: Strip: Scotch Tape
Brian Nystrom -- 5/13/2010, 9:43 am
- Re: Strip: Scotch Tape