Date: 5/14/2010, 1:31 pm
After two 8 weeks of reading many reviews and looking over differnt plans, I ordered plans for a Petrel. I am looking for a play boat for my self. My only concern with the Petrel is that I am 6'4" 200 lbs. But from what I have read and spoke with Nick it looks like it souldnt be a problem. For now my wife will have to put up with my roaming around the house like a lost dog, because the shop is empty until my plans come in. I just finished a Merganser for my son, so now its time for something fun for my self. I built a LT17 for my self 6 years ago. Every year since then I have built a kayak, just not for my self. I think its time to be selfish and build myself something a little more sporty.
Here a picture of Merganser that i just finished.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Just ordered plans for Petrel *PIC*
Petrel plans on the way -- 5/14/2010, 1:31 pm- Re: Strip: Just ordered plans for Petrel
Malcolm Schweizer -- 5/14/2010, 4:43 pm- Sweet! *NM*
Dave Gentry -- 5/14/2010, 1:36 pm - Sweet! *NM*
- Re: Strip: Just ordered plans for Petrel