: Maybe the Night Heron SnG?
: http://www.guillemot-kayaks.com/guillemot/SGNH
The NH is a great flat "v" bottomed (very little deadrise amidships)kayak, but has very little flare. You can view the sections at
It is not a bad roller, but is not a rolling kayak.
My favorite kayak for rolling is the Igdllorssuit. The bottom is not very flat though, it has a lot of deadrise, but also has a lot of flare, this makes it balance brace wonderfully, and helps the last part of the roll. At first this kayak feels tippy, as it wants to sit having one part of the v bottom flat. You will get used to it quickly though and realize the combination of deadrise and flare give it great secondary stability.
Free plans are available from Chris Hansel at http://www.nessmuking.com/articles/igdlorssuit-free-plans-for-the-boat-before-anas-acuta/
I build mine as a folder, but sold it this past year to my neighbor for her to use while she is building her Redfish Golden.
Skin was polyester from Tacoma Tent and Awning coated with black Tool Dip.

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Paul Sylvester -- 5/30/2010, 8:43 am- Re: Seeking: hull question..... *PIC*
Dave Gentry -- 5/30/2010, 10:12 am- Re: Seeking: hull question.....
Paul Sylvester -- 5/31/2010, 6:10 am
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Ian Johnson -- 5/30/2010, 9:10 am- Re: Seeking: hull question.....
Paul Sylvester -- 5/31/2010, 6:06 am- Re: Seeking: hull question..... *PIC*
Mike Hanks -- 5/30/2010, 6:12 pm - Re: Seeking: hull question..... *PIC*
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