There can be some variables to think about. What sort of lay-up do you need? Expedition rock-basher tough, race-worthy featherlight, somewhere in between?
What's the shape you have to work with? The Outer Island is an interesting case study, in that it has the usual curvy sexy shapes ...... until you get to that dead flat aft deck. The camber in the foredeck, and positive curves in the hull, add all sorts of innate strength; but that flat-ass rear deck needs all the help you, the builder, can give it.
I'm a certified OCD case for ultra light weight results, live in a rock-free zone (near Galveston -- crude oil free zone as well, SIGH), and can get away with lighter lay-ups, like for my boats to come in at around 35 lbs. I have found that 3/16" thick strips is a poor economy; too much strength is sacrificed. Rob Macks likes 3/16" thick strips, and I trust him to absolutely no end, so will have to write it off to "your mileage may vary". I find a full 1/4" too much, however, so use something like .22"? I use a TLAR instrument to determine precise thickness. Also called the human eyeball, it stands for That Looks About Right.
Strip width is a simple matter of resolution. Eight lines around a circle describe an octogon, right? Twice that many begin to resemble a circle. Square the number and you're even closer to a circle. That's the idea. I used 3/4" wide strips on my current second OI job as a great compromise between resolution and coverage, but used four courses of 3/8" wide strips near the sheer line where there's a heck of a curve to negotiate from the side of the hull to that aforementioned flat aft deck.
I won't even look at 6 oz cloth any more for general use, takes way too many fill coats. I like 4 oz much better. I like 4 oz s-glass even better. And I add an extra layer wherever I think it's warranted.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: building info
Nick Riccardi -- 6/11/2010, 11:19 am- Re: Strip: building info
kirk -- 6/11/2010, 9:45 pm- Re: Strip: building info
Bill Hamm -- 6/11/2010, 8:38 pm- Re: Strip: building info
Tony -- 6/11/2010, 8:13 pm- Re: Strip: building info
Allan -- 6/11/2010, 5:38 pm- Re: Strip: building info *PIC*
Kurt Maurer -- 6/11/2010, 8:19 pm- Re: Strip: building info
Allan -- 6/12/2010, 4:12 am- Re: Strip: building info
Kurt Maurer -- 6/12/2010, 9:39 am
- Re: Strip: building info
- Re: Strip: building info
- Re: Strip: building info
Paul G. Jacobson -- 6/11/2010, 12:54 pm - Re: Strip: building info
- Re: Strip: building info