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Re: Epoxy: Changing epoxy mid-project?
By:Mike Hanks
Date: 6/14/2010, 11:43 pm
In Response To: Epoxy: Changing epoxy mid-project? (Doug S)

: I've used West Systems epoxy on the couple of Yost-style SOFs that
: I've built so far. I'm thinking of switching to Raka (because
: it's cheaper). Does anyone know of any limitations/issues w/
: switching epoxy-brands mid-project? I only have a couple of
: pieces where I'd be putting new epoxy over old (parts of a
: couple of frames, some deck supports, the coaming rings).
: All-in-all, it's not really all that much.

: Thoughts? Opinions? Witty commentary?

: -Dougmando

Should be fine as long as you don't use resin from one and harener from another in the same batch.

Messages In This Thread

Epoxy: Changing epoxy mid-project?
Doug S -- 6/14/2010, 9:50 pm
Re: Epoxy: Changing epoxy mid-project?
Mike Hanks -- 6/14/2010, 11:43 pm
Re: Epoxy: Changing epoxy mid-project?
Doug S -- 6/15/2010, 6:36 am
Re: Epoxy: Changing epoxy mid-project?
george jung -- 6/14/2010, 11:22 pm