: I finally got started on my 13' Sea Bee from Yost's site. I made
: posterboard templates of the ribs. I noticed that even the
: largest rib seems very small, especially the opening on the
: inside. I am worried that my 200lb 5'11" frame will not fit
: in the boat. Being that I have never been in a kayak I don't
: know how tight I should expect it to be. Are there a standard
: set of dimentions for the inside of a kayak to make sure I will
: fit? Has anyone else had any problems with the size of the Sea
: Bee?
Hi Justin,
Here is one with a 200 pound paddler in it. Oh look he is grinning like an old dog eatn leftovers. Ya that's me and I think it fits perfect for a fun paddle.
Go on and build it, you will love it.
Clayton Plunkett

Messages In This Thread
- Skin-on-Frame: Am I too fat for a Sea Bee?
Justin Barnett -- 6/21/2010, 8:50 am- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Am I too fat for a Sea Bee?
Bill Hamm -- 6/22/2010, 1:32 am- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Am I too fat for a Sea Bee? *PIC*
Clayton Plunkett -- 6/21/2010, 10:52 am- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Am I too fat for a Sea Bee?
Justin Barnett -- 6/21/2010, 12:33 pm
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Am I too fat for a Sea Bee? *PIC*
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Am I too fat for a Sea Bee?