This was what I remembered from reading their catalog. Either the memory is going, or they changed their schedule
: The North House Folk School in Minnesota has an
: annual class in birchbark canoe building. The first week is
: devoted to finding and preparing materials. The second week is
: spent building a boat, which is either sold or raffled off to
: one of the class members.
After checking their website it appears that the "collecting materials" class is not currently scheduled. The previous offering for birchbark canoe building was a class where everyone makes their own 1:8 scale model. It was offered in August 2009
and participants ended up with a three foot long (90 cm) birchbark canoe, and the knowledge of how to build a bigger one.
I guess anyone who would be interested in these crafts might want to e-mail them to see if they will be offering such courses in the future.
Sorry the previous post wasn't correct.
Picture below is from the North House website.

Messages In This Thread
- Other: "Yost-esk" 4m Foldable canoe plans *PIC*
Sue My Chin -- 7/18/2010, 5:46 pm- Re: Other: "Yost-esk" 4m Foldable canoe plans
Tom Yost -- 7/20/2010, 10:01 am- Re: Other: "Yost-esk" 4m Foldable canoe plans
Sue my chin -- 7/20/2010, 9:18 pm
- Re: Other: "Yost-esk" 4m Foldable canoe plans
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/18/2010, 11:01 pm- Re: Other: "Yost-esk" 4m Foldable canoe plans
Sue My Chin -- 7/19/2010, 3:08 am- Re: Other: "Yost-esk" 4m Foldable canoe plans *PIC*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/19/2010, 10:01 am- Re: Other: "Yost-esk" 4m Foldable canoe plans
Sue my chin -- 7/19/2010, 6:47 pm- Re: Other: "Yost-esk" 4m Foldable canoe plans *PIC*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/19/2010, 11:06 pm- Re: Other: "Yost-esk" 4m Foldable canoe plans
Sue my chin -- 7/20/2010, 5:58 am- Correction *PIC*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/19/2010, 11:33 pm- Other: North House folk school *PIC*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/19/2010, 11:10 pm - Correction *PIC*
- Re: Other: "Yost-esk" 4m Foldable canoe plans
- Re: Other: "Yost-esk" 4m Foldable canoe plans *PIC*
- Re: Other: "Yost-esk" 4m Foldable canoe plans
- Re: Other: "Yost-esk" 4m Foldable canoe plans *PIC*
- Re: Other: "Yost-esk" 4m Foldable canoe plans
- Re: Other: "Yost-esk" 4m Foldable canoe plans