Hello all, I just posted the install of the leash cups for deck fittings, and here is what I am doing with them. Kayalu sells these cool camera mounts and deck lighting that only need a padeye to attach. I got mine from Joe Oblenis. He doesn't have them on his site but probably message him and he would get them for you. He's a Greenland kayaker and builds beautiful paddles so give Joe your business if you buy these. (I am not affilliated with him). www.joeoblenis.com
These things have a shock cord with a biner that clips in to a padeye and then sinches down to a thumb cleat. They have a rubber bottom that somewhat forms to the deck. I did find that for my very curved foredeck it helped to also wedge it under a bungee for stability, but on the flatter aft deck it worked fine. I am going to do a test of the new Panasonic Lumix TS2 so watch for that. Due to car repairs I didn't get to get out on the water yet. I did set the light up on my deck and walked over to the next hill, about 1.5 to 2 miles away, and the light was still very visible. It is waterproof/submersible. Both the light and the camera mount use the same attachment. The next few pics will show that. First you attach the bungee to the deck fitting.

Messages In This Thread
- Review: Kayalu deck mount for camera and deck light *PIC*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 8/2/2010, 6:32 am- Re: Review: Kayalu deck mount for camera and deck *PIC*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 8/2/2010, 6:50 am- Re: Review: Kayalu deck mount for camera and deck *PIC*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 8/2/2010, 6:36 am - Re: Review: Kayalu deck mount for camera and deck *PIC*
- Re: Review: Kayalu deck mount for camera and deck *PIC*