All dressed up and no place to go. Here is the view showing the stern light, which I actually mounted on top of the rear hatch because there it's in arm's reach so I can turn it on and off as desired without getting in and out of the cockpit. Tonight I need to be on St. John, 4 miles away... hmmmm... maybe I will save the $12 round trip on the ferry boat! Next weekend I will do a full test of the Panasonic Lumix TS2 on the camera mount, but already I love the mount. I did a swimming pool test of the TS2 HD Video at night, and the built-in video light provided ample lighting for underwater night videos. I'm really pleased with this camera so far, and it's waterproof to 33 feet and shockproof. I'm putting a camera mount on the surfboard too so I can do surf videos. This will be a fun little camera.

Messages In This Thread
- Review: Kayalu deck mount for camera and deck light *PIC*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 8/2/2010, 6:32 am- Re: Review: Kayalu deck mount for camera and deck *PIC*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 8/2/2010, 6:50 am- Re: Review: Kayalu deck mount for camera and deck *PIC*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 8/2/2010, 6:36 am - Re: Review: Kayalu deck mount for camera and deck *PIC*
- Re: Review: Kayalu deck mount for camera and deck *PIC*