While I was taking pics of the deck fittings I thought I would share this idea which I believe I have posted before, but Bill or someone was talking about cleats and deck rigging. I ran this line around two Kajack Sport deck fittings right behind the cockpit and braided two interlocking loops. One of the two loops naturally always points up so that you have something to clip into rather quickly. Right behind this is a deck bungee to hold my rescue line ready to go. This has worked beautifully for rescues and towing, and it is also a handy place for clipping off to docks and for clipping your mooring line, run first through a bow loop and then clipped here. Everything is accessed easily while seated with sprayskirt on.

Messages In This Thread
- Other: Deck Rigging *PIC*
Malcolm Schweizer -- 8/2/2010, 6:57 am- Re: Other: Deck Rigging
Will N to Go -- 8/2/2010, 10:12 pm- Re: Other: Deck Rigging
Bill Hamm -- 8/2/2010, 1:28 pm - Re: Other: Deck Rigging
- Re: Other: Deck Rigging