: Hi everybody, new to the forums and to Kayaking, been reading here
: for a while now. Tonight I took the family out for a paddle with
: a local tour company, I think it is safe to say we are all
: hooked and I have been itching to build a strip build for a
: while now. So I think it is now going to happen. So we live in
: Nova Scotia and close to a lake so we will be doing some Lake
: day trips, but also some ocean day trips. My son and I will most
: likely be doing some camping trips so I need some room for gear.
: He paddled for a summer at a rowing club but didn't want to do
: it competitively, the rest of us this was our first time in
: kayaks but we loved it so that is the back ground.
: Anyway, what I need some advice on is the kayaks to build, yea I
: will most likely be building more then one anyway. I am
: 6'1" about 230 and my oldest son is about the same size.
: For us I was think about the Night Heron high deck, from the
: description I figured that would be the best ones since he has
: size 11 feet and with our size. For my wife, I am not sure which
: one I should look at building, the Great Auk or the Guillemot.
: She is about 5'8" but not a strong paddler, yet, so which
: should I look at doing for her?
: So you can see I have my winter full now building at least two
: boats, may be 3 but we shall see what the first two turn out
: like. I was also thinking about the Guillemot Double but we
: shall see.
: Cheers!!
: Pat
Although I am a fan of Nick's designs (my primary kayak is a Night Heron), for your wife, I would look at some other designer's kayaks too. A good example would be the Redfish Silver. It has a fast efficient hull, with beautiful lines. Because of it's efficiency, it is a great kayak to assist a "less strong" paddler in keeping up with stronger paddlers.
I would also paddle a double with your wife, or whoever you plan to paddle it with. Some people love 'em others hate 'em. There is a reason that they are nicknamed divorce boats. ;) That being said, they are a great option for some couples, just test the waters, before you build.
I would also look at skin-on-frame, and stitch & glue designs too, but that is me, I enjoy building, but also paddling, and those types of construction get me to the water faster, still in my own hand-crafted kayak.
Whatever you do, have fun building and paddling!

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
Pat MacDonald -- 8/14/2010, 10:33 pm- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise *PIC*
Mike Hanks -- 8/18/2010, 10:15 am- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/17/2010, 12:45 pm- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
Bill Hamm -- 8/17/2010, 1:39 pm- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/17/2010, 2:34 pm- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
Mike Scarborough -- 8/17/2010, 8:04 pm- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
Will N to Go -- 8/17/2010, 8:36 pm- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
Bill Hamm -- 8/18/2010, 8:22 am
- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
Eric -- 8/16/2010, 5:12 pm- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise *PIC*
Dave ( of Calif.) -- 8/16/2010, 10:58 am- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
Ric -- 8/15/2010, 1:04 pm- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
kirk Briggs -- 8/15/2010, 4:12 pm
- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
vk1nf -- 8/15/2010, 10:34 am- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
Allan -- 8/15/2010, 3:55 am- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
Dave Gentry -- 8/15/2010, 7:46 am- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
Pat MacDonald -- 8/15/2010, 8:25 pm- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
Bill Hamm -- 8/16/2010, 12:47 am- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
Bill Hamm -- 8/16/2010, 12:27 am- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
vk1nf -- 8/15/2010, 9:29 pm- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
Allan -- 8/15/2010, 9:00 pm - Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
Mike Scarborough -- 8/15/2010, 9:39 am - Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
Bill Hamm -- 8/15/2010, 1:22 am - Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise
- Re: Strip: New to Kayaking need some advise *PIC*