Hi all who are interested,
Well I've had it finished for a couple weeks but work overtime got in the way of the launch. Today was the day, my daughter and I had a blast paddling the C15. This is a perfect lake and protected water craft for two paddlers. The C15 tracks very well but is a cinch to steer where you want. The stability is excellent so much so my daughter wiggled around and turned back to me and we had a heck of a good time. I paddled and she shot video of the fun. We laughed, talked, splashed each other and sometimes just drifted along and watched the wild life. It does perform well with a solo paddler. If you want to fish or shoot pictures this is a great kayak to use.
Dave Gentry designed the Chuckanut 15 and shared the plans with me. Thanks Dave, This is going to bring wonderful memories as we enjoy the C15.
I hope every one enjoys the weekend.
Clayton Plunkett

Messages In This Thread
- Launching: Chuckanut 15 *PIC*
Clayton Plunkett -- 9/5/2010, 8:52 pm- Re: Launching: Chuckanut 15
Dave Gentry -- 9/6/2010, 10:03 am- Re: Launching: Chuckanut 15
Kudzu -- 9/6/2010, 9:49 am- Re: Launching: Chuckanut 15
Bill Hamm -- 9/6/2010, 12:33 am- Re: Launching: Chuckanut 15
Clayton Plunkett -- 9/6/2010, 2:36 am
- Re: Launching: Chuckanut 15
Scott Baxter -- 9/5/2010, 11:17 pm- Re: Launching: Chuckanut 15 *PIC*
Clayton Plunkett -- 9/6/2010, 2:29 am
- Re: Launching: Chuckanut 15
- Re: Launching: Chuckanut 15