Date: 9/10/2010, 10:06 pm
I used a jigsaw to rough out the shape of the loom, shoulders, and edges of the blades. As for the paddle faces, I just used a good sized block plane. Must've taken me four to six hours to get them knocked down.
Might be just me, but I prefer using the block plane. I can't wait to get my hands on a good drawknife or spoke shave for the loom. It's a quite a bit slower using the hand tools, but it's easier to get precise. Gives me time to look things over and make sure I'm doing them right. I might be getting nostalgic, but it *feels* better, too.
-- Noel
: After calling a bunch of the wood supplies in the "Where the
: heck do I find clear cedar 2x4's" thread and finding out
: they don't carry clear within 2 hours of me, I went back to the
: local yards and found a couple oversized peices with clear
: enough 2 x 4 sections to make whole paddles and have clear wood
: leftover for blades in a laminated one. So I'm in business...
: ...sort of.
: I looked at Matt Johnson's video on carving, and I notice he
: mentions that block planing the initial long cuts would take
: forever, so he just uses a band saw. My question is, would a
: jigsaw work on these? I know the blade can angle in a bit, so I
: was thinking I if I stayed 1/4" outside the line and planed
: the rest I might get away with it.
: Will that work? Other options?

Messages In This Thread
- Paddle: Making the long cuts for paddle face
Stephen Troy -- 9/10/2010, 7:45 pm- Re: Paddle: Making the long cuts for paddle face
Scott Shurlow -- 9/11/2010, 10:43 pm- Re: Paddle: Making the long cuts for paddle face
Bill Hamm -- 9/12/2010, 12:24 am- Re: Paddle: Making the long cuts for paddle face
Bill Hamm -- 9/12/2010, 12:26 am
- Re: Paddle: Making the long cuts for paddle face
- Re: Paddle: Making the long cuts for paddle face
Bill Hamm -- 9/11/2010, 9:44 am- Re: Paddle: Making the long cuts for paddle face
Clayton Plunkett -- 9/11/2010, 9:10 am- Re: Paddle: Making the long cuts for paddle face
Mike Savage -- 9/11/2010, 7:13 am- What do you have?
Kudzu -- 9/10/2010, 11:10 pm- Re: What do you have?
Stephen Troy -- 9/11/2010, 1:12 am- Re: What do you have?
Stephen Troy -- 9/12/2010, 7:21 pm- Re: What do you have?
Bill Hamm -- 9/13/2010, 12:42 am- Re: What do you have?
Bill Hamm -- 9/13/2010, 12:38 am - Re: What do you have?
- Re: What do you have?
Kudzu -- 9/11/2010, 8:15 am- I agree (& some sharpening tips)
Brian Nystrom -- 9/11/2010, 11:51 am- Re: I agree (& some sharpening tips)
Bill Hamm -- 9/12/2010, 12:20 am- Re: I agree (& some sharpening tips)
Kudzu -- 9/11/2010, 3:37 pm- Re: I agree (& some sharpening tips)
Will N to Go -- 9/11/2010, 2:12 pm - Re: I agree (& some sharpening tips)
- Re: What do you have?
Bill Hamm -- 9/11/2010, 9:40 am - Re: I agree (& some sharpening tips)
- Re: What do you have?
- Re: What do you have?
- Re: Paddle: Making the long cuts for paddle face *PIC*
theluckyone17 -- 9/10/2010, 10:06 pm- Re: Paddle: Making the long cuts for paddle face *PIC*
G New -- 9/10/2010, 10:25 pm- Re: Paddle: Making the long cuts for paddle face *NM* *PIC*
G New -- 9/10/2010, 10:27 pm
- Re: Paddle: Making the long cuts for paddle face *NM* *PIC*
- Re: Paddle: Making the long cuts for paddle face
Dave Gentry -- 9/10/2010, 9:21 pm- You forgot the best option...
Brian Nystrom -- 9/11/2010, 10:49 am- Re: You forgot the best option...
Kudzu -- 9/11/2010, 11:42 am- Re: You forgot the best option...
Brian Nystrom -- 9/11/2010, 11:54 am- Re: You forgot the best option...
Kudzu -- 9/11/2010, 3:28 pm
- Re: You forgot the best option...
- Re: You forgot the best option...
Bill Hamm -- 9/11/2010, 11:29 am - Re: You forgot the best option...
- Re: You forgot the best option...
- Re: Paddle: Making the long cuts for paddle face
wwfloyd -- 9/10/2010, 8:35 pm - Re: Paddle: Making the long cuts for paddle face
- Re: Paddle: Making the long cuts for paddle face