Hello all,
I just got started with this project not long ago. Thought it might be about time I found some like minded folks to bother with questions and share my progress :) I've always been the kind of fella who gets an idea in his head and just sort of goes with it no matter how little I know about the subject matter, or how many odd looks I get from my wife. She's now learned to just smile and nod her head.
Over the past two weekends I've looked at a lot of pictures, messed with the kayak foundry software, built some saw horses, put together a strongback, cut out stations, strung said stations and am in the process of leveling/straightning things out. My makeshift strongback seems to be quite straight level and well... strong. Much to my surprise and bewilderment, all the stations seem to be pretty level and straight without to much adjustment! I feel like it's coming together pretty good for not really knowing what I'm doing.
I'm now getting to the point of thinking about lumber for making strips. I've scoped out the local Home Depot/Lowes and didn't see much that was very clear. Anyone out there in Southeastern Michigan that knows of a good source for stripping wood?
progress has been made since this was taken in the name of spacing, leveling, and securing things, but this is my Frankenstein.
Thanks to you all for this brilliant source of knowledge and inspiration.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: my newest obsession.. *PIC*
Andrew T -- 9/13/2010, 3:12 pm- Re: Strip: my newest obsession..
todd slingerland -- 10/28/2010, 12:42 pm- Re: Strip: my newest obsession..
G New -- 9/13/2010, 8:42 pm- Re: Strip: my newest obsession..
Mike Bielski -- 9/13/2010, 5:49 pm- Re: Strip: my newest obsession..
Andrew T -- 9/13/2010, 4:40 pm- Re: Strip: my newest obsession..
Randy Echtinaw -- 9/14/2010, 9:43 am- Re: Strip: my newest obsession..
Bill Hamm -- 9/14/2010, 8:58 am- Re: Strip: my newest obsession..
timt -- 9/14/2010, 8:38 am - Re: Strip: my newest obsession..
- Re: Strip: my newest obsession..
Fred -- 9/13/2010, 4:26 pm- Re: Strip: my newest obsession..
timt -- 9/13/2010, 4:15 pm- Re: Strip: my newest obsession..
Randy Echtinaw -- 9/13/2010, 3:47 pm - Re: Strip: my newest obsession..
- Re: Strip: my newest obsession..