Date: 9/16/2010, 11:56 pm
I did my first and so far only GP of a redwood 2x4. No cedar 2x4's around here. My redwood is very light, and the wood is very soft. I put a few dings in it just in construction. I figured it wouldn't survive long unless the tips were glassed. I did about 4 inches in glass, with some extra epoxy in the tip curve. I epoxied another 12 inches up, and oiled the rest. I hear mixing may be a mistake, but, I've whacked it in the glassed and epoxied areas, and it hasn't taken any significant damage.
: Picked up a stack of old red wood this week that's been sitting out
: side in the weather for a long time. At first I didn't think it
: was any good but the more I looked we'll be able to get some
: good stuff out of it. While paddling I got to thinking about
: building a GP out of it. What do ya'll think about using red
: wood? It's tight grained and fairly light. It's also beautiful
: when finished. I've done one so far out of cypress but haven't
: tried it. As with anything done for the first time, it's
: functional but not great.
: barryb
Messages In This Thread
- Paddle: How about using red wood?
barry boyette -- 9/16/2010, 9:44 pm- Re: Paddle: How about using red wood? *PIC*
Mitch Isoe -- 9/20/2010, 5:31 pm- Re: Paddle: How about using red wood?
Clayton Plunkett -- 9/20/2010, 6:46 pm
- Re: Paddle: How about using red wood?
- Re: Paddle: How about using red wood?
Bill Hamm -- 9/17/2010, 1:27 am - Re: Paddle: How about using red wood?
wwfloyd -- 9/16/2010, 11:56 pm
- Re: Paddle: How about using red wood? *PIC*