Hi all
Thought I'd share how I did this on my first build, a Guillemot. I pondered for a while, before deciding to laminate strips to make the lip, per Nick's book.
The thing I couldn't work out, was how to laminate the strips so as to have a smooth surface on the underside. I trialled clamping some strips, but the compound curves meant I just couldn't see how it was possible to do without either a lot of care, or a rough surface on the underside.
So I had an idea! And thought I'd share it. I haven't seen it mentioned before. It's probably not that novel, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.
Instead of gluing the first strip onto the riser, I just clamped it in place, and used the riser as a mold. I then glued each strip on top of that as usual. This meant I could remove the laminated lip off the riser, and shape it off the boat - which made it very easy to get a smooth fair surface on the underside, and get a nice edge all around.
I found this *heaps* easier than gluing them directly on to the riser, I am sure I would have had a very rough surface otherwise, and the oak I used is so hard it would have been very time consuming to sand the underside and edge.
More here in case you are interested:
Regards, Ian

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Laminating the coaming lip *PIC*
Ian Johnson -- 10/17/2010, 8:16 pm- Re: Strip: Laminating the coaming lip
Rod Tait -- 10/18/2010, 4:13 pm- Re: Strip: Laminating the coaming lip
Jay Babina -- 10/18/2010, 7:58 am- Re: Strip: Laminating the coaming lip *PIC*
Ian Johnson -- 10/18/2010, 5:04 pm- Re: Strip: Laminating the coaming lip
Kurt Maurer -- 10/18/2010, 9:39 am - Re: Strip: Laminating the coaming lip
- Re: Strip: Laminating the coaming lip
J Law -- 10/18/2010, 12:53 am- Re: Strip: Laminating the coaming lip
G New -- 10/17/2010, 10:21 pm- Re: Strip: Laminating the coaming lip *PIC*
Kurt Maurer -- 10/17/2010, 9:43 pm- Re: Strip: Laminating the coaming lip
Ian Johnson -- 10/17/2010, 10:18 pm- Re: Strip: Laminating the coaming lip
Kurt Maurer -- 10/17/2010, 11:22 pm- Re: Strip: Laminating the coaming lip
Dan Caouette (CSFW) -- 10/18/2010, 5:42 am- Re: Strip: Laminating the coaming lip
Kurt Maurer -- 10/18/2010, 9:28 am- Re: Strip: Laminating the coaming lip
Bill Hamm -- 10/18/2010, 2:58 pm
- Re: Strip: Laminating the coaming lip
- Re: Strip: Laminating the coaming lip
- Re: Strip: Laminating the coaming lip
- Re: Strip: Laminating the coaming lip
- Re: Strip: Laminating the coaming lip
- Re: Strip: Laminating the coaming lip