Re: Tools: design visualization *PIC*
In Response To: Re: Tools: design visualization *PIC* (mtkayak)
: I use photoshop to play with existing pics. I would imagine there
: are many paint programs you could also use. 3D stuff is too time
: consuming and even dealing with wood grain realism can slow you
: down. I just pick colors from areas on the existing pic and
: start painting. I try to paint in thin strips the size of each
: actual strip not worrying about filling the area all in. Tends
: to look better that way. Tweak the color a shade darker or
: lighter now and again for variety.
I have also used AutoCAD for working out the finer details. Drawing lines and filling in with color.

Messages In This Thread
- Tools: design visualization
J Law -- 10/25/2010, 6:41 am- Re: Tools: design visualization
Bill Hamm -- 10/25/2010, 6:11 pm- Re: Tools: design visualization *PIC*
mtkayak -- 10/25/2010, 10:53 am- Re: Tools: design visualization *PIC*
mtkayak -- 10/25/2010, 11:20 am
- Re: Tools: design visualization *PIC*
Dan Caouette (CSFW) -- 10/25/2010, 8:33 am - Re: Tools: design visualization *PIC*
- Re: Tools: design visualization