I have a 14' Great Auk that I have been working on the past 2+ years. I have the hull and deck stripped and am in the process of planing and sanding it. I want to take it with me down to SC (from upstate NY) this winter to work on it, when I'm not golfing. It still has the 2x4 strongback and forms in it. I have a ladder rack on my truck that I put my kayaks on (Pygmy AT, Pygmy Osprey and a Point Bennett). I would put the GA on the ladder rack but need to know what special precautions I should take. If the weather is bad, I probably need to put a tarp or something over it since it is not fiberglassed or epoxied. I also can't tie down the front since I don't have an attachment point on the yak. Would just straps work and would the stress be too much for it?
Charles Robinson

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Transportation *PIC*
Charles Robinson -- 11/19/2010, 2:18 pm- Here is how I'd do it
Paul G.Jacobson -- 11/28/2010, 2:15 am- Re: Strip: Transportation
Mike Hanks -- 11/21/2010, 12:54 pm- Re: Strip: Transportation
Bill Hamm -- 11/22/2010, 12:34 am
- Re: Strip: Transportation
Malcolm Schweizer -- 11/19/2010, 4:38 pm- Re: Strip: Transportation
Nick Riccardi -- 11/19/2010, 2:58 pm - Re: Strip: Transportation
- Here is how I'd do it