: I'm looking for some assistance in finishing the stripping of high
: deck Night Heron (kit) in the cockpit area, and the cockpit
: cutout. There are about 4 linear feet of strip left to do and
: the forms will be covered with wood. But those few feet are at
: the transition between the bow deck, the stern deck, and the
: cockpit cutout. The cockpit cutout template doesn't really work
: as a trace and cut operation for reasons too difficult for me to
: explain.
: What I really need are any pictures showing the stripping in that
: area. I think its more of a visualization problem for me than a
: technical one. If anyone out there has pictures like that, I
: would sincerely appreciate it if they could be e-mailed to me:
: sherm@shermworks.com
: Regards,
: Sherm
I am building a guillemot so not the same boat but this pic might help. In your pic it looks like you let the strips run "free" past your tallest form ( sorry not familiar with night heron forms), where as in my pic I have shaped them down from the tallest form to the middle cockpit form. This allowed me to draw a fair curve. I will attach another pic after the cut.
hope this is what your looking for.
dave g

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: high deck night heron cockpit area *PIC*
sherm -- 11/22/2010, 12:18 am- Re: Strip: high deck night heron cockpit area
Allan -- 11/23/2010, 1:55 am- Re: Strip: high deck night heron cockpit area
sherm -- 11/23/2010, 10:09 pm
- Re: Strip: high deck night heron cockpit area
Bill Hamm -- 11/22/2010, 9:04 am- Re: Strip: high deck night heron cockpit area *PIC*
dave g -- 11/22/2010, 1:11 am- Re: Strip: high deck night heron cockpit area *PIC*
dave g -- 11/22/2010, 1:13 am- Re: Strip: high deck night heron cockpit area
sherm -- 11/22/2010, 2:02 am- Re: Strip: high deck night heron cockpit area
dave g -- 11/22/2010, 9:00 am
- Re: Strip: high deck night heron cockpit area
- Re: Strip: high deck night heron cockpit area
- Re: Strip: high deck night heron cockpit area *PIC*
sherm -- 11/22/2010, 12:22 am- Re: Strip: high deck night heron cockpit area *PIC*
sherm -- 11/22/2010, 12:32 am
- Re: Strip: high deck night heron cockpit area
- Re: Strip: high deck night heron cockpit area