I started a second Spring Run back in the fall and have just finished glassing the hull. Lots still to do but thought I would share some pics. One is attached as part of this post and I've included a link to PhotoBucket for a few more.....
The hull stripping pattern is my own design and intended to resemble the water or air flow around a projectile. The main part of the hull is in medium WRC, the light pattern in Ponderosa Pine and the dark center is WRC. Each color is separated by a strip of African Mahogany. The stems are in African Mahogany as well. The deck design will match the hull. I wanted it to be different from other designs I've seen and so far, have not seen anything like it. I'm looking forward to getting the deck stripped so I can see the whole effect as I think this will be an interesting boat.
Also, I'm beveling strips as I go and having reasonable success in getting tight joints on the outside. A few required some putty to fill but after it's paddled a few times, the scratches will overwhelm any stripping faux pas. The inside is another story. There are lots of gaps where the bevel fit on the outside but did not fit the inside. Good thing this is a kayak and not a canoe where the inside is widely visible... I need more practice on beveling......
Hope you enjoy the pics....
Bob Beaullieu

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: New Spring Run build in progress - pics *PIC*
Bob Beaullieu -- 11/28/2010, 1:33 pm- Re: Strip: New Spring Run build in progress - pics
Ian Cummins -- 11/28/2010, 2:02 pm- Re: Strip: New Spring Run build in progress - pics
Bill Hamm -- 11/29/2010, 1:37 am
- Re: Strip: New Spring Run build in progress - pics
- Re: Strip: New Spring Run build in progress - pics