: Yeah I'll try to post up some more pictures soon, I already have
: some tips I think. I'm not a woodworking guy and I've never
: attempted anything like this before, so while I know there are
: way more informed people, maybe my total beginner tips will be
: useful to other beginners.
Worst case scenario, anything you post will probably generate a discussion. I've been around this forum (and forums in general) to know that much. Around here, discussions tend towards the positive, with a good transfer of knowledge. I'm more than happy to sit around soaking it up.
: For one thing, get a good rasp, it is
: awesome for fine shaping of the wood.
I picked up a surform (Stanley Pocket Plane?). I hate the thing. Doesn't cut worth a... well, you know. I'd rather deal with my spokeshave. Maybe the key word there is *good*. I've got a few files around that I've used for metal in the past... don't know how sharp they still are, or how they'll do cutting wood, but we'll see.
: Also, when cutting the
: ends of the stringers, I found it was way easier to rasp them
: than to try to cut them at that crazy angle.
I may pick up the saw to do that... Japanese saw, I think. Gives the wife something to give to me for Christmas, or a birthday. If I don't keep up a steady supply of suggestions, she'll be as bad as I am at giving gifts (wait, you want what kind of shoe?). It's also more one excuse to have another tool laying around. I've thought about taking the spokeshave to the stringers, too.
: I think you'll be glad you held out to work on it in your
: own space, like I'll go out and do a tiny bit on it now and
: again.
Yeah... that I agree with. Just the knowledge that I won't have to rush through the build process, since I'm limited to the weekends I'm visiting... knowing that I should be visiting family instead of working. It'll be much easier to let it sit in the basement until I can get to it.
: Maybe I should setup like a
: blog or something to document the build. When you do start
: working on it you'll see it is actually pretty easy, just
: somewhat tedious in some parts.
I'm what you could consider computer literate... I'm definitely going to keep a build log, with lots of pictures. I do it for my model aircraft, so a kayak can't be that much different to document. If you need help in this department, don't be afraid to holler.
: Oh yeah, I don't know about you but cutting a 16foot piece of wood
: perfectly straight without a tablesaw is pretty damn hard. I
: tried with some cheap test wood and decided to just buy it cut.
: I paid $20 more for the lumberyard to cut it for me and I assure
: you that is by far the best tip I would give. I got all
: perfectly straight cut wood, WAY worth it.
I might just go this route myself. Mom's cleaning the barn out, as she's already renting out part of it. I don't see her having a need for a table saw... as long as the rest of the kids don't lay claim to it, she might just be willing to send it my way (I've got my eye on a drill press, too, along with a lot of other power and hand tools). I don't know what she's willing to let go and what she wants to keep, though. Even if I do pick up the table saw, though... I don't know if I'm brave enough to run that expensive 16' piece of clear WRC through it. Yeah, if I err on the side of caution, I can always hand plane any rough spots out, but I get nervous around power tools. They cut too quick, too much. I'd rather creep up on the cut.
Not to mention the difficulty I'd have talking the wife into helping me by holding one end or what not... yeah, if the yard can do a professional job at a reasonable rate, they'll have my money.
Messages In This Thread
- Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF build *PIC*
unrealtrip -- 12/7/2010, 12:34 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
Noel Bennett -- 12/8/2010, 8:53 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu *PIC*
unrealtrip -- 12/9/2010, 5:09 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
Noel Bennett -- 12/9/2010, 11:04 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
Bill Hamm -- 12/10/2010, 7:22 am
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
Bill Hamm -- 12/9/2010, 12:58 am- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
Noel Bennett -- 12/9/2010, 9:23 am- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
Dan -- 12/9/2010, 2:09 pm - Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
Bill Hamm -- 12/9/2010, 9:42 am- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
unrealtrip -- 12/9/2010, 5:10 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
Bill Hamm -- 12/9/2010, 6:49 pm
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu *PIC*
- And your name is??????????? *NM*
Glen Smith -- 12/7/2010, 2:25 pm- Re: And your name is???????????
unrealtrip -- 12/7/2010, 2:52 pm- Re: And your name is???????????
Glen Smith -- 12/7/2010, 4:38 pm
- Re: And your name is???????????
- Re: And your name is???????????
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
Dan -- 12/7/2010, 1:15 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
unrealtrip -- 12/7/2010, 2:52 pm
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
Scott Shurlow -- 12/7/2010, 12:47 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu *PIC*
unrealtrip -- 12/7/2010, 2:46 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
Eric -- 12/9/2010, 11:20 am
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
Mike Bielski -- 12/7/2010, 1:52 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu *PIC*
unrealtrip -- 12/7/2010, 2:48 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
Bill Hamm -- 12/7/2010, 3:20 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
unrealtrip -- 12/7/2010, 3:35 pm- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
Dave Gentry -- 12/7/2010, 4:30 pm - Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
Bill Hamm -- 12/7/2010, 4:12 pm - Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
Bill Hamm -- 12/7/2010, 3:59 pm
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu *PIC*
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu *PIC*
- Re: Skin-on-Frame: Hello all new guy with a SOF bu