Re: Strip: Stapling materials/internal stem *PIC*
Date: 12/17/2010, 2:10 pm
Date: 12/17/2010, 2:10 pm
In Response To: Strip: Stapling materials/internal stem *PIC* (Al Edie)
Clever solutions. Thanks for sharing.
I use tape instead of screws. Then I just slice through that tape before stripping over it.
Also, I find it easiest to make inner stems from a few thin laminated strips of soft wood instead of carving a single piece of wood. The laminated strips generally conform well to the required shape with only attachment in a few places. The photo below is a canoe, but you can get the idea. The holes allow clamping of the laminated strips until the glue dries.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Stapling materials/internal stem *PIC*
Al Edie -- 12/16/2010, 11:10 pm- Re: Strip: Stapling materials/internal stem *PIC*
JohnCaldeira -- 12/17/2010, 2:10 pm- Re: Strip: Stapling materials/internal stem
Al Edie -- 12/18/2010, 12:07 pm
- Re: Strip: Stapling materials/internal stem
- Re: Strip: Stapling materials/internal stem *PIC*