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Re: Other: paddling without a thumb?
By:Fred Gasper
Date: 12/21/2010, 7:11 am
In Response To: Other: paddling without a thumb? (Trent Hansen)

My occupational therapist (OT) wife thinks he will be able to paddle. A small loom makes sense to her. If he has trouble he could consult at a rehab center or
hand clinic. A larger kayak store may have a line on programs to help handcapped people participate through an adaptive sports foundation. He may need to get a laminated paddle to maintain strength with the small loom. If he is near mid-michigan, I could let him try one of my paddles.

: Hello everyone,
: I have been asked by one of my friends to ask a question on
: building/paddling forums:

: Q: Will the lack of a left thumb affect ability to paddle with a
: Greenland paddle?

: Some background:
: My friend and paddling partner, who exclusively uses Greenland
: paddles with his handmade kayaks (Merganser, Outer Island), was
: working in his yard on a project when the power saw hit
: something in the wood, jumped and cut off his LEFT thumb, just
: above the knuckle at the base of the thumb. He has a small knob
: remaining and is concerned this will affect his paddling
: ability.

: Any answers appreciated and I will forward all replies to him over
: the next few days.

: Thanks!

Messages In This Thread

Other: paddling without a thumb?
Trent Hansen -- 12/20/2010, 7:12 pm
Re: Other: paddling without a thumb?
frankp -- 12/30/2010, 2:03 pm
Re: Other: paddling without a thumb?
Trent Hansen -- 12/26/2010, 7:29 am
Re: Other: paddling without a thumb?
Jerry S -- 12/21/2010, 10:34 pm
Re: Other: paddling without a thumb?
Bill Hamm -- 12/22/2010, 12:42 am
Re: Other: paddling without a thumb?
ancient kayaker -- 12/21/2010, 11:35 pm
Re: Other: paddling without a thumb?
Fred Gasper -- 12/21/2010, 7:11 am
Re: Other: paddling without a thumb?
Fred Gasper -- 12/21/2010, 6:47 pm
Re: Other: paddling without a thumb?
Kurt Maurer -- 12/21/2010, 7:34 pm
Re: Other: paddling without a thumb?
Malcolm Schweizer -- 12/21/2010, 7:10 am
Re: Other: paddling without a thumb?
JohnK -- 12/20/2010, 7:59 pm
Re: Other: paddling without a thumb?
Robert N Pruden -- 12/29/2010, 9:31 am