Date: 8/24/2002, 11:49 pm
Hi Joe,
If you haven't tried the technique as described below, I'd recommend that you give it a try before using the acetone. You should find that it is a real time and labor saver - let us know how it works for you.
This is a reprint from an earlier post dealing with tape residue removal - it really works well and is not harsh to either the epoxy or yourself.
"Hello Patsy,
One technique that may work fairly well for getting rid of tape residue involves the use of slow evaporating paint thinner - the secret is to apply it to the residue and then walk away - don't start rubbing or trying to remove the adhesive at this point. Reapply thinner as it evaporates - you can also lay a paper towel over the adhesive and saturate it with thinner so as to keep the adhesive wet (covering with plastic will do this also). Let the thinner do it's thing - it'll eventually soften the adhesive. Once the glue is gelatinous, remove it with either a plastic scraper or your steel cabinet scraper (rubbing it with rags tends to just smear it around). You may have to run through this process a second time if the adhesive layer is terribly thick.
Paint thinner is not nearly as nasty (to you and the epoxy) as acetone or lacquer thinner and is much cheaper than GOOP or some of the other products out there.
Again, I think you can probably save yourself alot of elbow grease by letting the paint thinner do the bulk of the work - let it do it's thing while you occupy yourself with chopping dovetails or cleaning up the shop."
Redfish Kayaks
: I have heard it is ok to use acetone on epoxy and also heard not to use it
: because it most often has impurites that leave behind a film (could this
: just be lightly wetsanded off?). Besides the 'film' question I would like
: to make sure of something: Will using acetone to remove the tape residue
: 'damage' or dull the epoxy?
: After waiting to find the answer, I finally 'need' to get rid of the tape
: residue and bought some acetone. I would appreciate to hear from anyone if
: know if there is any reason NOT to use acetone on the epoxy to remove the
: tape residue that came from strapping the deck and hull together.
: Thank-you.
: Joe
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Tape residue
KenC -- 8/20/2002, 11:32 pm- Re: Strip: Tape residue? Acetone OK?
Joe -- 8/24/2002, 7:58 pm- Re: Strip: Tape residue? Acetone OK?
Joe Greenley -- 8/24/2002, 11:49 pm- Re: Strip: Tape residue? Acetone OK?
Charles Leach -- 8/24/2002, 9:58 pm - Re: Strip: Tape residue? Acetone OK?
- Re: Strip: Tape residue
johnh -- 8/21/2002, 8:43 pm- Re: Strip: Tape residue
Charles Leach -- 8/21/2002, 6:51 pm- Re: Strip: Tape residue
Ron Hagedorn -- 8/21/2002, 2:52 pm- A timely question.
Myrl Tanton -- 8/21/2002, 11:44 am- Re: A timely question.
Pee Man -- 10/26/2003, 10:30 am- Is This Pee Man For Real?? *NM*
Arko Bronaugh -- 10/26/2003, 12:25 pm- Re: Is This Pee Man For Real??
ChrisO -- 10/26/2003, 1:04 pm- Re: Is This Pee Man For Real??
Arko Bronaugh -- 10/26/2003, 3:37 pm- Re: Is This Pee Man For Real??
ChrisO -- 10/26/2003, 5:10 pm- Crunchy, dry leaves are no good though.
Arko Bronaugh -- 10/26/2003, 11:30 pm- for you or the snake
Kurt Hoffman -- 10/27/2003, 10:19 am- Hard to say.....
Arko Bronaugh -- 10/27/2003, 6:34 pm
- Hard to say.....
- for you or the snake
- Crunchy, dry leaves are no good though.
- Re: Is This Pee Man For Real??
- Re: Is This Pee Man For Real??
- Re: Is This Pee Man For Real??
- Can someone post the answer AGAIN??
Joe -- 8/21/2002, 3:44 pm- Re: A timely question.
Scott Dollmeyer -- 8/21/2002, 3:13 pm- Re: A timely question. *NM*
Pee Man -- 10/26/2003, 10:32 am
- Is This Pee Man For Real?? *NM*
- Re: Strip: Tape residue
Patsy -- 8/21/2002, 7:52 am - Re: Strip: Tape residue? Acetone OK?
- Re: Strip: Tape residue? Acetone OK?