Re: Strip: Great Auk cheater strips
In Response To: Strip: Great Auk cheater strips (jpowell623)
: I am just getting started stripping a Great Auk. In the book, it
: discusses cheater strips like it's optional on some boats. Do I
: even need cheaters on the Great Auk? If I don't, what will
: happen? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
On my Great Auk I used one cheater strip at the bow each side. Start with the shear strip and just keep working your way around the hull. When and if the strips become to difficult to make the bend then add a cheater as needed to ease the bend. I didn't need it until about the 7th strip. If you decide to use 2 or more, stagger them between full length strips.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Great Auk cheater strips
jpowell623 -- 7/6/2011, 10:43 pm- Re: Strip: Great Auk cheater strips
Greg Bridges -- 7/6/2011, 11:46 pm - Re: Strip: Great Auk cheater strips
mtkayak -- 7/7/2011, 10:41 am
- Re: Strip: Great Auk cheater strips