: The main contribution carbon fabric makes is to stiffen and
: strengthen the area to which it is applied. I put a layer under
: the deck fore and aft of the cockpit to resist weight applied
: when entering the boat or during rescues.
: I suppose that putting it under the seat would help strengthen the
: hull where you might enter by standing on the seat. Standing on
: the seat might stress the hull more than it might like because a
: person's weight could be concentrated in a relatively small
: area, ie. under one foot. I do not think carbon cloth is
: necessary to reinforce the hull for sitting on a foam or other
: shaped seat, because the weight is well (some better than others
: :) ) distributed, and the hull is protected by the seat
: structure.
: Best regards,
: Allan Edie
: Best regards,
: Allan Edie
Extra layer of glass does the same thing, though it takes more glass for the same strength. No real reason you gotta use carbon unless you have to save weight, and if you're laying it up by hand even that will likely not work.
Bill H.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Carbon in the cocpit: why?
BradG -- 10/7/2011, 5:01 am- Re: Strip: Carbon in the cocpit: why?
Kirk Fredericks - Farback Carpentry and Automation -- 10/7/2011, 7:00 am- Re: Strip: Carbon in the cocpit: why?
Bob Johns -- 10/7/2011, 6:55 pm- Re: Strip: Carbon in the cocpit: why?
Bill Hamm -- 10/8/2011, 1:49 am
- Re: Strip: Carbon in the cocpit: why?
- Re: Strip: Carbon in the cocpit: why?
- Re: Strip: Carbon in the cocpit: why?
Dan Caouette (CSFW) -- 10/7/2011, 9:15 am - Re: Strip: Carbon in the cocpit: why?
Bill Hamm -- 10/7/2011, 9:36 am- Re: Strip: Carbon in the cocpit: why?
Al Edie -- 10/8/2011, 1:41 pm- Re: Strip: Carbon in the cocpit: why?
Bill Hamm -- 10/9/2011, 2:13 am- Re: Strip: Carbon in the cocpit: why?
Will N To Go -- 10/9/2011, 11:01 pm- Re: Strip: Carbon in the cocpit: why?
Bill Hamm -- 10/10/2011, 1:56 am- Re: Strip: Carbon in the cocpit: why?
Al Edie -- 10/10/2011, 8:02 pm
- Re: Strip: Carbon in the cocpit: why?
- Re: Strip: Carbon in the cocpit: why?
- Re: Strip: Carbon in the cocpit: why?
- Re: Strip: Carbon in the cocpit: why?
- Re: Strip: Carbon in the cocpit: why?
- Re: Strip: Carbon in the cocpit: why?