Re: Seeking: Knee bracing. *LINK* *Pic*
By:Sam McFadden
Date: 12/20/2002, 1:44 pm
Date: 12/20/2002, 1:44 pm
In Response To: Re: Seeking: Knee bracing. (LeeG)
: Sam,,,I know this is purely selfish but could you post a few more pictures of
: your boat, any angle or close up would be nice. What kind of wood it the
: light colored deck?
Thanks Lee.
There is a "New Boat" album on Picturestage that has several shots of this boat. Login as "sxmcfadden" with the password "austenite". The light color wood is Yellow Cedar, and the dark is Red Cedar. In natural light, the images present the yellow cedar as a bit lighter than it appears to the eye. With a flash, it appears a bit more yellow.
Where are you now? We have a bit of snow on Diablo and Tamalpais this morning.

Messages In This Thread
- Seeking: Knee bracing.
Erich Eppert -- 12/19/2002, 12:14 pm- Thank you all
Erich Eppert -- 12/21/2002, 10:57 am- Sam McFadden
Erich Eppert -- 12/21/2002, 11:03 am
- Re: Seeking: Knee bracing. *Pic*
Sam McFadden -- 12/19/2002, 9:13 pm- Re: Seeking: Knee bracing.
Shawn Baker -- 12/20/2002, 3:32 pm- A few details
Sam McFadden -- 12/20/2002, 5:37 pm
- Re: Seeking: Knee bracing.
LeeG -- 12/20/2002, 9:33 am- Re: Seeking: Knee bracing. *LINK* *Pic*
Sam McFadden -- 12/20/2002, 1:44 pm- Re: Seeking: Knee bracing.
LeeG -- 12/20/2002, 1:49 pm
- Re: Seeking: Knee bracing.
- A few details
- Re: Seeking: Knee bracing.
warrren -- 12/19/2002, 2:34 pm- Re: Seeking: Knee bracing. *LINK* *Pic*
KenC -- 12/20/2002, 8:09 am- Re: Seeking: Knee bracing.
warrren -- 12/20/2002, 9:51 am
- Re: Seeking: Knee bracing.
- Sam McFadden
- Thank you all