> I am building a Coho, and have a question on the attachment of the
> temporary frames. the Pygmy manual mentions wiring the frames in at the
> chines, then using a hot melt glue gun on the frame to hull joint. This
> seems redundant, and I wonder if the hot glue will prevent epoxy
> absorption when it comes time to apply resin. Anyone have any hints/tips?
The amount of hot glue you need should not cause problems, just make sure to scrape the excess off before applying resin and glass. Buy a cabnet scraper if you don't have one, I don't know how I built my first two kayaks without one. If you are concerned either use as little as posible or use more wire to hold them in place, but then you are drilling more holes.
Messages In This Thread
- Coho Frames
Bruce -- 1/16/2000, 11:55 pm- Re: Coho Frames
erez -- 1/18/2000, 12:42 am- Re: Coho Frames
Chris Bush -- 1/17/2000, 12:36 pm- Re: Coho Frames and Hot Glue
Mike Hanks -- 1/17/2000, 12:40 am - Re: Coho Frames
- Re: Coho Frames